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Table of Contents
Personal Guidance
What is often missing in the sharing process is a rite of passage, moving experiences that give us our foundation of who we are. These emotionally charged life-changing transitions are affirmations that solidify our humanity and our core. When we acquire knowledge and wisdom, the change could be significant. A sense of dignity comes to us when we put forth great effort to earn something. Anyone who has struggled to reach something extraordinary knows this. Learning can be profound. Personal guidance may help make the difference, hence the workshops.
Attend a workshop via Zoom or go to Las Vegas to study with Armando.
Tailored To You
Each Master Course offers insights into whatever you want or need regarding all things magic. It could be a specific plot, a sleight, the thinking behind the magic, how to put a routine or even an entire show together, or learning about choreography and performance, theory, and composition. The sleight of hand is incredibly interesting in its beauty of execution, subtleties, and many variations. However, the study of psychological delivery often trumps the brute force techniques alone, but they are so powerful when done together. You may study all things cards, coins, or both, with everything tailored to you.
Master Courses
Metal Quirks
Metal Quirks is a coins-across routine using two silver and one odd coin. It opens by vanishing a coin from the spectator’s hand. Then, perform phase one with three iterations—interlude with a coin appearing in the person’s hand—and complete step two with three variations. Finally, present a 1 to 2 and 2 to 1 coin transposition between your and the spectator’s hands.
MQ via Zoom is five sessions of 60 minutes each, once per week or every two weeks until completion — with just you and Armando. It is the most reasonably priced and has no NDA. Suggested hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Las Vegas time. See Dateful Time Zone Converter.
Five Sessions
MQ IN LAS VEGAS for the Connoisseur. See Armando in person and study Metal Quirks—one day: 11 AM to 4 PM with a one-hour lunch in between. Location: EVO. Reserve early for cheaper flights and hotels.
MQ in Las Vegas
Pasteboard Devices
PASTEBOARD DEVICES (a card workshop) reveal special sleights and some tangentially related artifices — explore the psychology of delivery over brute force technique. Routines include Divination Gone, Betwixt Me, Inscrutable Pocket, Empanada, or any works from The Hungry Imagination.
PD via Zoom consists of six sessions of 60 minutes each, once per week or every two weeks until completion, with just you and Armando. After confirmation, check the NDA and schedule. Suggested hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Las Vegas time. See Dateful Time Zone Converter.
Six Sessions
Required: Please sign the NDA emailed after payment.
Coin Menagerie
Coin Menagerie is a comprehensive study of perceptual engineering. It consists of four coins and four cards. The focus is on theory, composition, and the underlying philosophy. Use it as a template to anchor and reflect upon all fundamental concepts later.
CM via Zoom consists of fourteen sessions of 60 minutes each, once per week or every two weeks until completion—just you and Armando. After confirmation, check the NDA and schedule. Suggested hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Las Vegas time. See Dateful Time Zone Converter.
Fourteen Sessions
Required: Please sign the NDA emailed after payment.
Pasteboard Devices & Coin Menagerie
PD & CM via Zoom is twenty sessions of 60 minutes each, once per week or every two weeks until completion — just you and Armando. Check the NDA and schedule after confirmation. Suggested hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Las Vegas time. See Dateful Time Zone Converter.
twenty Sessions
Required: Please sign the NDA emailed after payment.
The Annex For Alumni
Previous workshop attendance is required.
The Annex For Alumni is an extension of the Master Course that refines and enhances previous studies. It continues the exploration of theory and composition regarding perceptual engineering and the beguiling finesses within compositions of legerdemain. Use it to advance your knowledge and skill or refresh it.
Consider it the graduate studies program of this humble university but minus the bureaucratic paper chase.
The Annex Via Zoom is $275/session, or ten for $2,000 or twenty for $3,500. The 60-minute sessions are once per week or every two weeks until completion—just you and Armando. Check the agreement and schedule after confirmation. Suggested hours are 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Las Vegas time. See Dateful Time Zone Converter.